Football in Al-Muthanna Governorate: Its reality and Ways to Improve Its Level

Football in Al-Muthanna Governorate: Its reality and Ways to Improve Its Level

Football in Al-Muthanna Governorate: Its reality and Ways to Improve Its Level


The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education, in cooperation with the Department of Sports and Artistic Activities and the Department of Media and Government Communication at our university, held a sport symposium entitled (Football in Al-Muthanna Governorate. Its Reality and Ways to Improve Its Level), at ten o’clock in the morning on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 when the following figures participated:

1- Dr. Muhammed Abdulazeez Al-Lawzi - Chairman.

2- Prof. Dr. Ghanim Najeeb Abbas - First Lecturer.

3-Former player Hashim Lofa - Second Lecturer.

4-Lect. Saimaa Fadhill Mashkoor - Rapporteur.

The symposium touched on the history of the game of football in Samawah when it was a district affiliated with the Diwaniyah District. After it was transformed into a governorate, and the great achievements it has achieved since the beginning of the seventh decade of the last century, and the stations it witnessed that ranged between success and failure, until the last seasons in which It witnessed many stumbles and failures that caused the team to fall to the last place in its group in the first division league this season, then it was rescued from relegation to the lowest division, to ensure that it remained in this division within the competitions of the next football season. The symposium came up with several suggestions to raise its level and return to its golden era by first finding a sponsor for games and sports in the governorate, and choosing a coaching staff who has mature expertise in selecting the best players, who should be selected and prepared physically and technically, to be able to represent the governorate’s football team.