Department of Anesthesia Techniques

Department of Anesthesia Techniques


The Word of the Head of Department

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his honorable and good progeny.

The Department of Anesthesia Techniques is one of the most important medical technical departments. In fact, anesthesia is a medical specialty that depends heavily on technology. Technology has led to safer and more effective anesthesia through the development of tools and the need for specialists in the techniques used in anesthesia and its connection to human life and safety during, before and after operations. Therefore, this vital need pushes us to open Anesthesia Department at Sawa University.

As we are fully grateful for the establishing of the Anesthesia Department, it is also my pleasure to be the head of the Anesthesia Department. Therefore, we promise our students and their families to do the best we could so that the department outcome will be qualified to support the health field in our governorate and other governorates. Our university, College of Medical Techniques as well as the Presidency of Anesthesia Department represented by its heads seek to bring qualified professors and provide all means to achieve all the goals which are set for that.



The Department of Anesthesia aims to achieve the most efficient technicians in the field of anesthesia, and we are committed to provide an integrated program that embodies patient and family care, academic and clinical excellence, community support and integration. We will provide an opportunity for higher education in anesthesia technology to the citizens of Samawa and other cities.



In general, nations and societies are measured according to health and health facilities, so we must take care of the health institutions. This can be achieved through the presence of specialists in all medical branches, including the anesthesiology branch, so that this proves that people in society have a good health.



The department aims to provide staff for the surgery halls and intensive care units by helping the graduates to be qualified enough with the scientific and practical information and skills that enable him to get a bachelor degree and practice his profession as an anesthesia technician.

The graduates should master the following sciences and skills:

1. Knowledge of human anatomy and diseases that affect it in general, and focus on diseases that are affected or interfered during the anesthesia operation.

2. Knowledge of the types of devices, equipments, chemical materials and drugs used before, during and after anesthesia, including operation, maintenance and control during the process of anesthesia.

3. Knowledge of public health rules and mastery of the vital and basic biological pieces of information which are associated with the organs and cells of the human body.

4. Gaining experience in dealing with emergency situations and facing them with quick and appropriate treatments in order to save the patient's life.


Graduates Description

Graduates job Description:

Among the most important duties and tasks that an anesthesia technologist must perform towards patients during anesthesia and surgeries are:

1- Preparing the anesthesia tool and be certain of its appropriateness, as well as preparing the necessary tools and devices.

2- Ensuring the presence of the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and all equipments, and assist the anesthesiologist during the operation.

3- Preparing medicines and anesthesia devices.

4- Observing the patient during anesthesia and do the following:

A- Measurement of the patient's pulse, pressure and breath.

B- Giving the patient the medicine he/she needs under the supervision of an anesthesiologist

C- Installing a blood supply device when needed.

D- Assistance in emergencies during anesthesia.

E- Accompanying the patient after the operation to the recovery room.