The Physiological Effect of Smoking on Anesthesia Doses

The Physiological Effect of Smoking on Anesthesia Doses

The Physiological Effect of Smoking on Anesthesia Doses


The Department of Anesthesia at the College of Health and Medical Technologies held a scientific symposium entitled (The Physiological Effect of Smoking on Anesthesia Doses), at nine-thirty in the morning on Tuesday 4/6/2024, in which the following figures participated:

1- Asst. Lect. Karrar Kamil Attia - Chairman.

2- Asst. Lect. Muhammed Hussein Hindi - Lecturer.

3- Asst. Lect. Kadhim Raheem Alwan - Rapporteur.

 The symposium tackled the physiological effect of smoking on anesthesia doses, the difficulties faced by the anesthesia staff in making extra efforts with patients who are smokers as a result of the deterioration of the condition of the lungs, the negative impact of smoking on the function of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, as well as the efficiency of anesthesia drugs. It also discussed programs to eliminate smoking for (4-6) weeks before surgery.