About college of education

About college of education



The College of Education is one of the important colleges that were opened within the formation of Sawa Private University in Al-Muthanna Governorate, which overlooks the entrance to the city of Samawah from the north, in 2020, and the period of study in it is four years for graduates of the scientific and literary branches. Within this period, the student receives theoretical and practical scientific materials to prepare him in an advanced manner within the required specialization. The college grants a bachelor's degree in education, each according to the department the student graduated from, in the specialization of the scientific departments.

College Goals and Vision:

The College of Education has a scientific status in the university academic community, whether locally or in the Arab world. The College of Education continues to occupy its position within our dear country and plays an important and influential role in the fields of society. The College of Education has a sober scientific staff and absorptive energies that enable it to achieve the visions it seeks.

Scientific laboratories: are as follows:

- Computer applications Lab

- Media Lab (a lab for teachers to facilitate the recording of electronic lectures).

- Audio lab

College Admission System

Admission to the initial studies of the College of Education takes place through application forms designated for this purpose. Graduates of preparatory studies are accepted in its biological, applied and literary branches, and the study is for a period of four years.


College of Education Curriculum

The curricula of the College of Education differ in terms of the number of units and subjects of the stages according to the system used in them. There are colleges that follow the semester system, and there are colleges that follow the annual system in their teaching. As for the College of Education at Sawa Private University, the teaching system is on an annual basis.