Using an Optical Microscope and How to Maintain It

Using an Optical Microscope and How to Maintain It

Using an Optical Microscope and How to Maintain It


The Department of Medical Laboratories at the College of Health and Medical Technology held a training course entitled (Using an Optical Microscope and How to Maintain It), at eleven-thirty on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, 26-28/5/2024. The following professors participated:

1- Asst. Lect. Noor Muhammed Jassim - Chairman.

2- Asst. Lect. Shorouk Khalid Mahmood - First Lecturer.

3- Asst. Lect. Anhar Ahmed Khanfoor - Second lecturer.

4- Dr. Hussein Alaa Al Gharib - Third Lecturer.

5- Asst. Lect. Abbas Nadhim Bardan - Rapporteur.

The course, which included theoretical and practical lectures, aimed to introduce first-year students in the Medical Laboratories Department to a historical overview of the origins of the optical microscope device (optika), the stages of its development, an introduction to its parts and how to deal with each part of it, and the best way to examine slides with strong magnification. It also tackled how to fix the device and maintain it during the use, as well as the practical application of the theoretical lectures they received in the course. Moreover, the participants passed two theoretical and practical exams.

 At the end of the course, the Dean of the College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassan Raheem Khadir, distributed certificates to the course management, and certificates of participation to the students who successfully passed the course.