Annual university day

Annual university day

Annual university day


 In an atmosphere filled with joy and happiness, our university celebrated its fourth annual day, as its corridors witnessed large festive carnivals during which signs of joy and decorations, and the Iraqi and university flags, were raised. The university also witnessed the holding of two large exhibitions of the products of its students in various plastic arts and a market (bazaar).

    A central celebration was held, the curriculum of which included: (reciting a verse from the Holy Quran, reading Surah Al-Fatihah for the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, playing the national anthem, the university anthem, showing a documentary film about the university’s journey, a speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Mudher Abdullah Abdulaali, a speech by the university president, Prof. Dr. Aqeel Sarhan Muhammad, and the Governorate Council’s speech was delivered by Mr. Vice-President of the Council, Ghazi Al-Ziyadi), followed by poetry recitals by the popular poet Adnan Al-Barki, a presentation of the credentials of the students of the university’s departments, and a theatrical performance.

    The celebration was attended by the President of Al-Muthanna University, Prof. Dr. Hussein Kamil Al-Shahir, the President of the Governorate Council, Ahmed Mohsin Driul, the members of the Council, the directors of official departments in the governorate, the heads of trade unions and professional federations, and a large number of guests and families of students.

  The attendees expressed their admiration for the distinguished path of our university and the successes it has achieved despite the short years that have passed since its founding, wishing its employees, including the Board of Directors, faculty, affiliates, and students, success to serve the scientific journey of Iraq, the governorate, and the university.