The Effect of General Anesthesia on Diabetic Patients

The Effect of General Anesthesia on Diabetic Patients

The Effect of General Anesthesia on Diabetic Patients


The Department of Anesthesia at the College of Health and Medical Technologies, in cooperation with the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance, held a scientific workshop entitled (The Effect of General Anesthesia on Diabetic Patients), at 9:30 a.m, on Tuesday, May 28, 2025, in which the following professors participated:

1-Lect. Dr. Asaad Mohan Muhammed - Chairman.

2- Asst. lect. Karar Kamil Attia - Lecturer.

3- Asst. lect. MuhammEd Hussein Hindi - Rapporteur.

 The symposium discussed the complications of surgical procedures related to anesthesia for patients with irregular diabetes, as well as tips for controlling the blood sugar level before performing surgery.