The Role of Sports in Strengthening Relations Between Peoples

The Role of Sports in Strengthening Relations Between Peoples

The Role of Sports in Strengthening Relations Between Peoples


In implementation of the curriculum prepared by the College of Engineering Technology, the Department of Health Physics and Radiotherapy Technology Engineering, in cooperation with the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Muthanna University and the Department of Sports and Artistic Activities at our university, held a scientific and educational symposium entitled (The Role of Sports in Strengthening Relationships Between Peoples) at exactly ten o’clock in the morning of Monday (13/5/2024) when the following figures participated:

1- Prof. Dr. Ghanim Najeeb Abbas - Chairman

2- Prof. Dr. Haider Balash Jebir - Lecturer

3- Asst. Lect. Haider Abdulrazzaq Jassim - Rapporteur

The symposium emphasized that sport plays an important role in bringing people together, as it provides an opportunity for interaction and communication between individuals through sports competition. Moreover, sport is among the main factors that help to bring people together and strengthen relationships between them. It has proven throughout history that it is able to overcome cultural, linguistic, religious and geographical barriers by bring people together around common goals, and that enhances unity and cooperation between them.