Labor Market Requirements in Light of Technological Developments

Labor Market Requirements in Light of Technological Developments

Labor Market Requirements in Light of Technological Developments


In implementation of the curriculum prepared by the College of Health and Medical Technologies, the Department of Health Administration, in cooperation with the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance, held a scientific symposium entitled (Labor Market Requirements in Light of Technological Developments), at exactly ten thirty in the morning on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, when the following figures participated:

1- Lect. Atta Bani Hamood - Chairman.

2- Lect. Ameen Fahad Jayed - Lecturer.

3- Lect. Salam Hashim Muhammed - Rapporteur.

The labor market is witnessing radical developments, transformations and changes in the current era, due to technological progress and rapid social and economic transformations. This requires renewed skills to ensure effective communication, so individuals must have the ability to adapt and continue developing their skills throughout their career path.