Psychological distress

Psychological distress

Psychological distress


Psychological distress is a negative emotional condition that resembles mental damage, threat, and the loss of a significant aim. Negative emotions are linked to being hostile, annoying, short-tempered, worried, and tense, General disappointment and discontent with one's current employment are examples of common psychological anguish. Both types of distress have an impact on a person's mental health. Professionals all around the world are dealing with anxiety and sadness as a result of their jobs. More than half of the medical workforce in Iran's healthcare industry is stressed to a moderate degree. Similarly, based on the standardised principle of stress, physicians and doctors in Saudi Arabia experience significant amounts of stress. Iraqi doctors are under a lot of pressure because their country is regarded as the most dangerous in the world. Doctors in Iraq have been experiencing sleepless nights, as well as a lack of leisure and satisfaction in their lives, which has led to their desire to leave. Doctors face tremendous risks to their lives, including kidnapping and other horrific acts. Between 2004 and 2007, many violent occurrences against Iraqi doctors occurred, with a 1.6 percent fatality rate attributable to violence.


  Psychological distress, can act as a mediating mechanism between the influence of economic factors, political factors, and social factors on migration intention.  While it has been stated that economic and political instability are among the causes of migration intentions in developing countries, it has also been noted that those experiencing financial difficulties reported higher levels of psychological anguish. Given the evidence on the influence of economic factors and political factors on psychological distress and migration intention, we speculate that psychological distress can serve as an underlying cause of migration intention.



Dr. Youssef Musa Sabti
Head of Department of Health Administration