Ministerial committee to follow-up The initiation of scientific departments. Visit our university

Ministerial committee to follow-up The initiation of scientific departments. Visit our university

Ministerial committee to follow-up The initiation of scientific departments. Visit our university


The ministerial committee, that are charged with following up the initiation of scientific departments at private universities during the previous academic year, visited our university. The committee included Asst. Prof. Dr. Kadhim Abdulwahhab from the College Education for  Humanities at the University of Basra as Chairman, and Mr. Muhammed Sadiq Mahmood from the Department of Private University Education as well as  Asst. Lect. Alaa Abduljalil Hadi from the Department of Construction and Projects as members.

 The Chairman and members of the committee toured the corridors of the university, visited the academic and administrative halls, scientific laboratories, and the rest of the infrastructure. They expressed their satisfaction with the appropriate atmosphere created by the presidency of our university and the deans of its colleges for our dear students to perform these exams.

Our university, in implementation of the directives of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Muder Abdullah Abdulaali, and the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Aqeel Sarhan Muhammed, had created the best conditions for the establishment of the success of experiment.