Honoring students in the English Department

Honoring students in the English Department

Honoring students in the English Department


Under the patronage of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Muder Abdullah Abdulaali, the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Aqeel Sarhan Muhammed, and the guidance of the Deanship of the College of Education, the students in the English Department who achieved the highest grades in the joint exam between our university and the University of Muthanna were rewarded. The activity was attended by the Assistant President of the University for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Turki Muftin and the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Safaa Mustafa Hameed.

The presidency of our university and the dean of the college appreciated the effort of Asst. Lect. Nazik Azeez Dirweesh in teaching and following up with the students who achieved high results, wishing them more success and excellence.