The ministerial team to assess biological security and safety visit our university

The ministerial team to assess biological security and safety visit our university

The ministerial team to assess biological security and safety visit our university


The ministerial team visited our university to assess biological security and safety. The team consist of representatives of (the National Audit Authority, the National Security Advisory, the Prime Minister, the Iraqi National Security Service, Higher Education and Scientific Research). The visit was paid to the laboratories at our university in order to implement a program to evaluate biological security and safety procedures and measures in laboratories and sites related to biological activities. Moreover, the purpose is to implement the Law of the National Nuclear, Radiological, Chemical and Biological Authority No. (1) of 2024, and fulfill the Iraq’s international obligations towards the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons, developing work and raising awareness for workers in laboratories in the field of risk management.

The head and members of the team expressed their great satisfaction with what they found of advanced laboratories at our university which fulfill the biological security and safety procedures.