صفاء مصطفى حميد خميس

صفاء مصطفى حميد خميس

البصريات - التقنيات الصحية والطبية
اللقب العلمي (أستاذ مساعد)
الاختصاص الفيزياء- البصريات
الشهادة دكتوراه
البريد الالكتروني dr.safaa@sawauniversity.edu.iq

تعديل الصفحة

معلومات شخصية

تاريخ الميلاد: 1967
مكان الميلاد: العراق - بغداد
الحالة الزواجية: متزوج.
الجنسية: عراقي.
الخبرة: أستاذ جامعي منذ عام 1996.
مكان العمل: نائب رئيس  الجامعة للشؤون العلمية - جامعة ساوة.

البحوث العلمية

 1- Examination of Potential of C60, Si60, CNT(9, 0) and SiNT(9, 0) as Catalysts for N2O Reduction

2- A five-level cold atomic system for the orbital angular momentum exchange based on a four-wave mixing setup.

3- Entanglement control in a laser driven single layer graphene system.

4- The effective and sustainable application of a green amino acid-based corrosion Inhibitor for Cu metal.

5- DFT study of SCN− adsorption effect on structural and electronic properties of Si12C12 fullerenes.

6- Hydrogel Assisted Synthesis of Polymeric Materials Based on Chitosan, Oxidized Pectin, and Tantalum MOF Nanostructures as Potent Antibiotic Agents Against Common Pathogenic Strains Between Humans and Aquatic.

7- Simulation of electronic structure and some properties of CdTe crystals using DFT.

8- Evaluate the effective of modulation function on spot size for multifunction modulator.

9- A development formula to evaluate the bandwidth of an image for a digital camera.

10- A development formula to evaluate the bandwidth of an image for a digital camera.

11- The Effect of Focus Error and Spherical Aberration on Sharp Edge Image Intensity

12- Investigation of the Effect of Filters on the Image Intensity Formed by Coherent Light.

13- Spectral Band Optical Analysis for Shape and Material of Terrestrial Imaging by Using Remote Sensing Technique.

14- Quantifying the effect of the Temperature Variable on Optical Anisotropy of Line Spread Function at Image plane.

15- Modeling the Physical Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles with Selective Hydrogen Using DFT.

16- Simulation of Electronic Structure and some Properties of CdTe Crystals Using DFT.

17- Evaluation of Noise Levels and Vibrations at Cement Factories That Represent a Condition Monitory for The Performance of Machines.

18- Signal to Noise Ratio of IR Seeker with a New Optical Fractal Modulator.

19- Noise Pollution in Some Hospitals of Erbil-Iraq: Estimation and Analysis.

20- Evaluation of Ionizing Radiation Protection awareness among patients for X-ray.

21- Evaluation of Ionizing Radiation Protection among Radiation Workers in X-ray department.

الشهادات الاكاديمية

 1991: بكالوريوس علوم فيزياء - الجامعة المستنصرية - كلية التربية.

1995: ماجستير علوم فيزياء - الجامعة المستنصرية - كلية التربية.

2000: دكتوراه فيزياء ( بصريات ) - الجامعة المستنصرية - كلية العلوم.