Women Empowerment Unit

Women Empowerment Unit


The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has adopted programs related to women's empowerment in collaboration with Iraqi universities and international organizations, where the Women's Empowerment Department has been established in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This is because it is crucial to develop female leaders in higher education, participate in the decision-making process, and have a consistent and effective presence in leadership committees and positions.



Enabling women to play a significant role in achieving sustainable development in a nation that upholds all of their constitutional rights, equips them to overcome obstacles, expands their roles in all spheres of life, achieves full protection, and provides them with equal access to economic, social, and political opportunities that allow them to improve their capacity to declare the nation's affairs.

Message: In order for women to be effective and efficient community members and leaders who participate in decision-making and influence its formulation and strategic activation, in a way that meets the needs of the country in the current and future stages, they must acquire, develop, and use their knowledge, skills, and abilities.



1.    Promoting women's participation in local and international conferences will help them develop their scientific capabilities in higher education.

2.    Increase the number of female leaders in the Ministry of Higher Education by highlighting women's accomplishments and skills.

3.    Getting the assistance of local and international organizations and the international community to help put the United Nations resolutions on women into action.

4.    Increasing women's involvement in economic development through funding ground-breaking initiatives and technology incubators.

5.    Improving the representation of women in the written, audio, and visual media.

6.    Supporting young female researchers who conduct noteworthy research at the PhD stage and at an early age, as determined by specialist committees that choose noteworthy works in order to encourage them.

7.    Honouring creative and accomplished Iraqi women in various fields of expertise through awards for their work or the production of documentaries on their accomplishments.